Reviews of Seventh-day Adventist Sermons on YouTube


Some Losers

John Bradshaw was speaking on the It Is Written YouTube channel on 2/22/23. The title was “Every Word in ASL – One of the Strangest Questions Ever!” Surprisingly my post, as of 2/27/23, hadn’t been deleted. According to John, about the strangest question that could be asked is “can you believe the Bible.” See the review here.

“How to Interpret the Bible and Why It Matters? [Bible Hermeneutics]” was posted on the Seventh-day Adventist Church YouTube channel on 2/27/23. Frank Hasel, PhD, who has been the associate director of the General Conference Biblical Research Institute was the speaker. Frank thinks it’s important you know what “hermeneutics” means and he wants you to buy his book titled Bible Hermeneutics An Adventist Approach. See the review here.

“Ellen G. White and True Adventist Theology” was posted on YouTube by HopeLives365 on 3/17/23. Dr. Merlin Burt Ph.D., the director of the Ellen G. White Estate, is the speaker. Some of the discussion about the early part of Seventh-day Adventist history is worth listening to. Sadly, Merlin doesn’t use the real Bible and maybe doesn’t even know there is a real Bible. See the review here.

“Deliverance Ministry part 1 – Dr. Conrad Vine” was posted on YouTube on 4/21/23 by QVtv – WHERE ARE YOU GOING on 4/21/23. The subject was deliverance from the attacks of Satan by ridding our lives of sins that enables Satan to attack us. The subject of the sermon is very good but unfortunately, Conrad apparently doesn’t know the real Bible from the fake one (the New Revised Standard Version) he mostly uses and picks up and reads from. See the review here.

On 8/4/24 a video titled “Love, Compassion, and Truth: A Biblical View on Homosexuality. Pr Mark Finley.” was posted on the Seventh-day Adventist Church YouTube channel. Fake bibles, including some Mark had a hand in making, eliminate or soften the message on sin. The link to the video is See the review here.

A YouTube video titled “Adventist Government, Women Ordination, Marriage in Heaven and More | Ask Pastor Mark Live” was posted by HopeLives365 on 8/12/23. Mat Gray is the host and Mark Finley is the oracle. See the review here.

“Are there mistakes found in the Bible? – AUTHENTIC with Shawn Boonstra” was posted on the YouTube Voice of Prophecy channel on 10/13/23. Shawn’s “the Bible” for this video is the English Standard Version (ESV). See the review here.

“A Message from Pastor Ted Wilson: How to Interpret the Bible” was posted on the Seventh-day Adventist Church YouTube channel on 11/2/23. Ted uses preferentially the New King James Version (NKJV) and calls it or another bible of his choosing “the Bible.” See the review here.

“Did Ellen G. White LOVE the Apocrypha?” was posted on the Arthur and Teresa Beem YouTube channel on 2/14/24. A “distinguished Seventh-day Adventist scholar, Matthew Korpman” discussed “the recent bombshell discovery that the White Estate kept hidden” that is alleged to show that the Apocrypha is “God’s Holy Word and should be bound upon the believer’s hearts.” See the review here.

Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Larry Kirkpatrick posted a YouTube video titled “Potomac Ordains Female LGBTQ Advocate” on the “Larry the Guy from Michigan” channel on 3/18/24. The link is See the review here.

A video titled “The Death Challenge: Part 1| 3ABN Worship Hour” was posted on the Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) YouTube channel on 4/5/24. In it, Pastor Ryan Day tries to explain death using “the Bible.” Ryan is one of those ministers who doesn’t think there is a single “the Bible” in the world that doesn’t have some mistakes. See the review here.

A video titled “‘Do I REALLY Have Choice If God KNOWS the END?’ Bible Q/A with Pr. John Bradshaw & Pr. Wes Peppers” was posted on the It Is Written YouTube channel on 5/26/24. The first question answered was, “When does the soul leave the body.” See the review here.

On 6/4/24, “Is KJV Reliable? || I’d Like to Know” was posted on the YouTube secretsunsealed channel. Pastors Stephen Bohr, a.k.a., Esteban Bohr, C. A. Murray and David Salazar are the alleged purveyors of truth. See the review here.

Some time ago I sent a tract I wrote titled Seventh-day Adventist Death Confusion to a well known Seventh-day Adventist minister that heads up an independent ministry. This review is of the letter and an enclosure I received from him. See the review here.

A video titled “Has the Bible Been Changed? And more | 3ABN Bible Q & A” was posted on the Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) YouTube channel on 7/3/24. See the review here.

The video, “Do Animals Have a Soul?” was posted on YouTube by Dennis Priebe Ministries on 7/26/24. Since he didn’t permit any comments on his video on his YouTube channel, I’m posting my comments here. See the review here.

“What Happens When you DIE? Bible Q/A Pr.John Bradshaw & Pr.Flickinger | Rich Man & Lazarus Explained” was posted on the YouTube It is Written channel on 9/13/24. See the review here.

Some Winners

“Ronald Reagan on the King James Bible” was published on YouTube on the King James Bible Research Council channel on 4/16/22. It’s a video of a little over three minutes in length that’s well worth watching. President Ronald Reagan speaks of something he knew that has been missed by too many Seventh-day Adventists. The YouTube link is

Here’s something you should listen to that was posted on YouTube on 5/19/23 by Dennis Priebe Ministries titled “Does Diversity Produce Unity.” Dennis Priebe exposes very subtle double talk. The YouTube link is

The video “ ‘Dust to Dust’ Roots of Truth | Randy Skeet” was posted on the 2CBN TV YouTube channel on 7/7/23. The link is Though it was posted by 2 CBN TV, the logo at the beginning of the video is that of Amazing Discoveries so that organization is also responsible for the content thereof. See the review here.

A YouTube video titled “The Ancient Man” was posted on the Conroe Seventh-day Adventist Church channel on 8/6/23. Pastor Damon Snead is the speaker and it’s well worth watching.

Which Bible?
Counterfeit Bible?
King James Bible “Errors”
The New Steps to Christ
What I Learned in Church
The Clear Word Bible
Ellen White and Bible Versions
Andrews Study Bibles
Blind Guides
Christian Code Words and Phrases
© Martin J. Lohne 2021, 2022, 2023.